
Some laws make it possible for people from Roma communities to access some rights, but in other cases, other laws and regulations created many obstacles.


Many legislations and policies (documents, circulars ...) can be found on a very interesting website specialized in that field:





Résultat de recherche d'images pour "legislation roms france"



Below you can find several regulations in different areas:


Circular of Education on education of newly arrived children and children from family routes

Recommendations of Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe member states

Sample of the National Education code on Compulsory Education



Circular of 19 May 2009 on foreigners (Obligations to leave French territory taken against people from other Member States of the European Union, the States included into the Agreement on the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation).

Sample from the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum (CESEDA)



DALO Guide: The Foundation Abbé Pierre and FAPIL has produced a guide on the right to housing. Since 2012, it is imperative to follow that DALO in the context of proceedings relating to the right of emergency accommodation.




Legislation in the field of work is very precise and several circulars were made in the context of the access to employment for people from immigrant backgrounds.

Here are some of these circulars:

Circular of 4 July 2008 of the Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Solidarity Development

Circular of May 26, 2004 of the Ministry of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms and the Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion



ROMEUROPE, 2015, Website Romeurope.org [online], France, 2015, Romeurope, available at : http://www.romeurope.org/index.php