e-Roma Resource RSS Feed <![CDATA[ Zbornik projekta e-RR in mednarodne konference Širi obzorja]]> <![CDATA[A court decision ordered the continuation of the Roma village construction in a suburban area of Greater Lyon]]> <![CDATA[A French revue was sentenced to a 2,000 euros fine on appeal after publishing a stigmatizing and racist issue on Roma communities]]> <![CDATA[The Council of Mayors of Greater Bordeaux is currently debating on how to handle Roma communities in their territory]]> <![CDATA[Vocational Integration of Roma Migrants in the North of France]]> <![CDATA[Bringing New International and Civic Opportunities for People Facing Discrimination]]> <![CDATA[Current Activities towards the Integration of Roma Communities in the French City of Toulouse]]> <![CDATA[Ministry of Education (Methodological and pedagogical center) is interested in using the platform in practice]]> <![CDATA[We spread an information about the platform at international conferences]]> <![CDATA[We organized some individual meeting also on national level]]>