
There are a number of state institutions dealing with the matters related to employment.


The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5, 00-513 Warsaw
Phone to the panel: 22-661-10-00


Labor Office
An institution dedicated to the study and analysis of the labour market, providing information to the unemployed and dealing with professional job seekers.
Public Employment Services Portal -


The employment agency - a non-public organizational unit providing services in the field of labour mediation, the mediation for working abroad with foreign employers, vocational counseling and temporary work


Voluntary Labour Corps - is a state budget unit supervised by the Minister. OHP institution in the labor market are realizing the tasks specified in the Act on labor market institutions and the promotion of employment,

specialized in activities for young people, in particular young people at risk of social exclusion and the unemployed under 25 years of age.
The official website of


COMMAND HOMEVoluntary Labour Corps
ul. Tamka 1, 00-349 Warsaw
tel. 22 862-64-36, 578-47-01 / 02
fax 22 578-47-47




Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Spoełecznej, Kontakty [online], Polska [2015], available at: