
As established in social studies, the basic livelihood of the Roma comes from commercial activities conducted mainly in the "gray zone", supporting families living abroad, funds obtained from various aid programmes of social assistance (benefits), and supporting charities.



Jolanta Szymańczak, Społeczność Romów w Polsce, Analizy [online], Polska [2011], available at:  http://orka.sejm.gov.pl/WydBAS.nsf/0/5E6E43099325F85EC12578B10042C893/$file/Analiza_%20BAS_2011_45_popraw.pdf

Description of the situation

One of the basic problems of the Roma community in Poland is the high level of unemployment. This is a problem mainly due to the lack of education and qualifications of the Roma minority. The problems of the Roma community are inadequate education or a total lack of it, low qualifications, reluctance and the lack of motivation to work and the lack of employers who would willingly employ the Roma.

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There are a number of state institutions dealing with the matters related to employment.

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