The rise in food culture for health improvement of Roma population

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
ZIK Črnomelj
Contact person: Nada Žagar
tel. 07 30 61 391

Project information – start and end date (if available)

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
In September 2004, ZIK Črnomelj, as a carrier of the project "The rise in food culture for health improvement of Roma population", launched a two-year development of an innovative program of health protection and promotion in the years 2004 and 2005. Partners in the project were organizations for adult education: CIK Trebnje, Adult Education centre of Kočevje, Adult Education centre of Krško and RIC Novo mesto. The project included Roma families from 28 Roma settlements, from the municipalities of Brežice, Črnomelj, Ivančna Gorica, Grosuplje, Kočevje, Krško, Metlika, Novo mesto, Ribnica, Semič, Šentjernej and Škocjan. The purpose of the project was to raise awareness of the Roma population about the importance of a healthy diet for health improvement, to promote the Romani families to choose healthy foods and healthy eating, training of Roma for the production of domestic vegetables and the connection of partners and the creation of a partners organizations network, which can contribute to protecting and strengthening the health of Roma. The project included most of the Roma population in the implementation of the project.

Results of the project
Informed Roma population (28 included Roma families) of the importance of a healthy diet for health improvement

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma families from 28 Roma settlements from the municipalities of Brežice, Črnomelj, Ivančna Gorica, Grosuplje, Kočevje, Krško, Metlika, Novo mesto, Ribnica, Semič, Šentjernej and Škocjan - the majority of the Roma population in the area of the project.

Sources of funding
Slovenian Ministry of Health