Statistical data

85% of Roma in Međimurje County do not have a primary school diploma. In Zagreb, there are 63% of the total Roma without a primary school diploma. 12% of the Roma in Međimurje County have finished the primary school in Međimurje County and 31% in Zagreb. As far as high school is considered, 3% of the Roma population in Međimurje and 6% in Zagreb have finished their high school and obtained a diploma. It is also important to say that most of them have finished a three-year lasting high school which has the largest number of graduates that can not find a job.


Hrvatiča, N. (2000). »Odgoj i izobrazba Roma u hrvatskoj«, Društvena istraživanja, Zagreb,
bog. 9, br. 2-3 (46-47), str. 267-290.
Perotti, A. (1995). Pledoaje za interkulturalni odgoj i obrazovanje. Zagreb: Educa.
Sablić, M. (2004). Obrazovanje za interkulturalne odnose (magistarski rad). Zagreb:
Filozofski fakultet.