IPA funds as an effective instrument for a better impact of Roma inclusion policies in the Elbasan Region

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Open Socity Foundation for Albania
Rr. Qemal Stafa, P.120/2
Phone: +355-42-234-621
Fax: +355-42–235-855

Project information – start and end date (if available)
20.12.2001. - 20.02.2028.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Roma Decade in Albania is failing to deliver robust results due to underdeveloped institutional capacities both at central and local level, lack of coordination, inadequate financial resources and the inability to engage effectively local actors. Although a number of efforts are occurring, the majority of them are failing to penetrate and address properly the potential of the local actors in facilitating the implementation of national policies and programs on Roma inclusion.

Results of the project
Three trainings were organized with the participation of 13 individuals. 10 employers of the three institutions are trained to draft/write a project and they are engaged in working teams to present their proposals according to the priority of each institution. 3 participants, representative of Elbasan University and of the civil society are trained to cooperate with the national local structures in drafting a project-proposal. In total, 13 employers of public institutions and Roma CSO-s are trained.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Government Institutions
Roma minority

Sources of funding
EU funds