A French revue was sentenced to a 2,000 euros fine on appeal after publishing a stigmatizing and racist issue on Roma communities


Released in 2013, the related issue was entitled ‘Overdose of Roma people-A survey reveals that French people are fed up with Roma people-Financially supported, offenders…what we are not allowed to say on Roma people’. The heading of the main article in the issue was ‘France is being invaded by gypsies mainly coming from Romania and Bulgaria’.

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The Council of Mayors of Greater Bordeaux is currently debating on how to handle Roma communities in their territory


A member of the City Council of Greater Bordeaux submitted an oral question during the last official meeting on the fact that the presence of Roma gypsy communities on a specific site they were said to have ‘invaded’ was raising health and safety issues. The Mayor of the local town of Haillan-Andréa Kiss- replied that those communities were not gypsies but Bulgarians and as such full European citizens who had the misfortune to be expelled from Mérignac-another town which is part of the Greater Bordeaux territory.

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Workshop on the e-Roma Resource online platform at I.R.T.S-a Higher Institute of Social and Socio-Medical Work in France


On December 16, ADICE will present the e-RR project to future professionals who will most likely be working from time to time with Roma people in their daily activities.

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8th Job Fair in the Karlovac County


Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Karlovac organized 8th Job Fair in the Karlovac County. Within the Job Fair, a round table ‘’Compass to exit the long-term unemployment - portal e-Guidance’’ was held. In the framework of this roundtable, e-Roma Resource project and platform were presented.

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Croatian Employmen Service Regional Office Karlovac held workshops for Roma minority


On 16.09.2015, a workshop was held for the Roma population at the premises of the Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Karlovac. The workshop was titled ''How to look for a job?'' and its main goal was to help the Roma population members to find a job.





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The Ministry of the Interior plans to promote the integration of the Roma


The Ministry of the Interior plans to help the communities that are trying to integrate the Roma living on the margins of the society. The first funding of 64 million euros was offered to solve problems related to their low standard of living. Later, they are expected to create even more funding.

"The money will also serve for the desegregation of the Roma in education. This will strengthen the pre-school education of Roma children. The assistance for municipalities will also focus on improving the co-existence with the majority population through the social work field and on improving the quality of healthcare, housing and access to employment opportunities," said  the Minister of the Interior Robert Kaliňák (Smer-SD).


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A list of municipalities participating in the national project Take Away


Based on the decision of the European Commission, the operational programme Human Resources for the programming period 2014-2020 was approved on 9 December 2014. This operational programme will be financed from two priority project axes and it aims at integrating the inhabitants of the marginalized Roma communities.

The Atlas of Roma Communities was based on "Simplifying the index of development" which defined a list of 150 municipalities that are the eligible beneficiaries of a prepared set of programmes, consisting of a basic package of Take away.


More at: http://www.minv.sk/?spravy_rk&sprava=zoznam-obci-zapojenych-do-narodneho-projektu-take-away-1

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Participation at the "ZORALIPE ROMANE ŽUVJENGRU - Empowerment of Roma Women"


The project team members of the international project e-RR exploit a wide variety of opportunities to showcase the possibilities for applying the project results of the e-platform in a local and broader national environment. 

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LIT 3 final project conference was held between 3rd and 5th September 2015 in Cluj Napoca in Romunia


Between 3rd and 5th September 2015, the Consortium International Lectura si Scrierea pentru Dezvoltarea Gandirii Critice and its partners within the Literacy Cubed – Focus on Roma Families (LIT3)  organized the final conference of the project.

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First participants have finished the programme Financial literacy for Roma


Within the international project Grundtvig Multilateral – Financial literacy for Roma, which aims to improve financial literacy among the Roma and their knowledge concerning various consumer services, RIC Novo mesto, together with the partners from other 5 countries, has developed an educational programme and special tools adapted to the specific needs of the Roma minority and focused on gaining new practical skills.

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The project “Early Marriage – Culture or Abuse?”


The project “Early Marriage – Culture or Abuse?” was awarded an action grant under the call for proposal in the framework of the Specific Programme "Daphne III" of the European Commission (DG Justice).

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2 videos about the Roma, launched by the Council of Europe, are now available on the e-Roma Resource platform


In 2011,the Council of Europe launched 2 videos explaining the situation of Roma people and presenting some success stories of the integration of Roma people in Europe, which can be useful for raising-awareness campaigns.

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Roma coordinators obtained the certificate of national vocational qualifications within the SORO project


In Slovenia, we have achieved the first great success of the project SORO - Cooperation for the health of Roma people, which is co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014. We have successfully completed the training for the profession of a Roma coordinator, with all the participants obtaining the certificate of national vocational qualification.

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New French materials uploaded in the library


A book explaining the gypsy situation in France and Europe and a video about the intervention of a sociologist about the Roma, have been uploaded on e-RR platform.

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The plan of the Ministry of the Interior for the integration of the Roma into the society has the support of the EU


The integration of the Roma into the mainstream society is not a new challenge for Slovakia. We share it not only with our neighboring countries, but also with the rest of Europe, and the common solution is to be responsibly involved in solving the issue at the level of the European Union. Thanks to the financial help of Brussels, the Ministry of the Interior provides a comprehensive package of measures to integrate the Roma communities on the margins of the society, socially as well as economically.


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There was a conference in Eastern Slovakia on the positive examples of working with the Roma


On 06.11.2015, Pecovska Nova Ves (District Sabinov), hosted the conference " Rómska osada a samospráva: dobrá prax, sen či realita?“ (Roma settlement and government: good practice, dream or reality?), under the auspices of the President SR Andrej Kiska, where the positive examples of work with the Roma, the adapting ways, and the first results of pending activities were presented.


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NEW PROGRAMME: Working workshop teachers from Slovakia in the Czech Republic and Fair School


On 19th-22nd January 2015, a group of directors and primary teachers from eastern Slovakia participated in the exchange visit in the Czech Republic, which focused on exploring Fair schools programme and its implementation in practice in Ostrava, Moravian Beroun and Brno.

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Education for All


Education contributes to the critical state of perception and identification of options for change. We consider a public debate on the quality and accessibility of education as one of our priorities. We work with teachers and parents, whose participation in promoting changes in the education system we consider important. Fostering the public and non-profit sector in shaping educational policies, in order to realize the dissemination of critical thinking discussions, workshops, and expert discussions, which represent the current European trends in education.

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Project Support Decade of Roma Inclusion (2005 - 2015)


9 Governments of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Slovak Republic, proclaimed the period 2005-2015 as the Decade of Roma Inclusion and they have undertaken the actions that will eliminate discrimination and close the unacceptable gaps between the Roma and the rest of the society.

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Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma integration until 2020


The Government has adopted a strategy through the Resolution no. 1/2012 of 11th January 2012. The strategy was developed by the Office of the Plenipotentiary for Roma Communities with the help of the World Bank, UNDP, NOS, ZMOS and NGOs.

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Social inclusion of the Roma religious path - Project summary


So far, a similar research in Slovakia has not been undertaken yet. Based on the current incremental research, in which the promoter participated, it is obvious that in those areas takes place between Roma active missionary activity of various traditional and non-traditional (new) religious movements. As previously shown, the direct and indirect impacts of their activities, the social inclusion of Roma exclusion. This tool is currently only seems to be particularly effective in removing various "social pathologies" among marginalized Roma, but also as an instrument working already in the short term.

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Integration options and cultural activities of the Roma in Slovenia


Through its special programme, the Ministry of Culture supports cultural activities of the Roma community in Slovenia. The Roma projects have been a part of the special programme of the Ministry of Culture since 1993.

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Several videos on Roma family life on French TV


Several videos have been made and published on French television. These videos are presenting the life conditions of a Roma family who lived in the North of France and who had to go back to Romania.

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New web video initiative, France


The first project, entitled "Words of Roma", has been created by Roma Solidarity group from Lille Métropole and the Vidélio Production Association.

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Workshop for the members of the Roma minority in the CES PU Karlovac


At the premises of the Croatian Employment Service, Regional Office Karlovac, a workshop was held for the Roma population. The workshop was titled ''How to look for a job?'' and its main goal was to help the Roma population members to find a job.

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Project FINALLY presented at the Conference on the Economic Empowerment of Roma


On behalf of the Montenegrin Government, a conference entitled Economic Empowerment of Roma was held in Podgorica, Montenegro by he current Presidency country of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015 Initiative from June 17 to 18, 2014.


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2nd project meeting in Trnava in Slovakia


On 2nd and 3rd October, the e-RR project team of RIC Novo mesto participated at the conference Empowering marginalized groups through education and training in the Danube region in Wiena. The conference was organized by the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education science and research – Department National Agency of Lifelong Learning and the Austrian Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs. The emphasis of the conference was on the integration of socially disadvantaged pupils – particularly Roma Children’s access to education in the Danube Region Countries. The main aims of the conference were discussion, awareness raising and network formation.

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Study visit in Krakow


From 25th to 30th May 2014, the lead partner (RIC Novo mesto) members of the e-RR project team participated in the study visit in Krakow (as part of the LDV – VETPRO, Sharing and Learning project). The host organization was The Union of Associations Multicultura, which is also a partner in the e-RR project.

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