Situation of the Roma

The Roma community in the Republic of Slovenia is a constitutionally recognised minority. Despite not having the status of a classic national minority, it is specifically referred to as a minority in the Constitution and it is provided with special legislative protection. It is recognised as a minority with its own ethnic and cultural characteristics (its own language, culture and history) which it preserves pursuant to the constitutional provisions. In this regard, their expressed needs are observed.


Photo: In Slovenia there is still intolerance towards the Roma. [online]. Available at:


The legal basis for regulating the situation of the Roma community in the Republic of Slovenia is the Article 65 of the Constitution which lays down that the position and special rights of the Roma community living in Slovenia are being governed by the law. Thus, the legal bases were established for the protective measures. The adoption of the Roma Community Act in the Republic of Slovenia caused the consistent implementation of the constitutional provision (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No.  33/2007). In addition, the protection of the Roma community is also integrated into other acts. Apart from the acts, the care for implementation of special rights of the Roma community and the improvement of the situation of the Roma community is integrated into numerous programmes, strategies and resolutions in individual social areas.

