Integration and equal opportunities

The integration of the Roma into the society is a topic overreaching local, regional as well as national level. It is a European topic, which requires the engagement of the Roma themselves, local and national politicians, European union, non-governmental as well as church and charity organizations. The trouble-free coexistence of the Roma with the majority of the population and their full integration into the society remain a still unachieved goal in the conditions of Slovakia (European commission, 2015). 

Description of the situation

The integration of the Roma into the society is a topic overreaching local, regional as well as national level. It is a European topic, which requires the engagement of the Roma themselves, local and national politicians, European union, non-governmental as well as church and charity organizations. The trouble-free coexistence of the Roma with the majority of the population and their full integration into the society remain a still unachieved goal in the conditions of Slovakia (European commission, 2015). 

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