Uccu Pécs Branch

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation
1137 Budapest, Katona József utca 2/e
+ 36 20 976 5252
László Flóra

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Start date: 26.09.2014.
End date: 25.01.2016.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The formal education system provides only few opportunities for open debates, personal meetings with people from different social backgrounds and learning about alternative viewpoints and values. Uccu’s Roma volunteers have been organizing forums for years in schools, where the students can discuss issues related to the Roma without taboos and have a personal meeting opportunity with the Roma trainers. The personal meetings with the volunteers and the honest discussions with them, along with numerous playful exercises will contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the students about the Roma and reduction of their prejudices.

Results of the project
The association will establish a new group in Pécs, whose members will be trained and then will organise activities for a thousand students in the neighbouring schools. The 10 new volunteers will take part in regular monthly workshops and team building events, which will serve the professional training of the youth and the development of the community.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Uccu’s Roma volunteers, Roma trainers, thousand students in the neighbouring schools, 10 new volunteers

Sources of funding
Amount: 15.526,00 Euro
