The ''Ten ercent rule''

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Czech Republic

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
City of Most
Mgr. Jan Paparega
tel.: +420 476 448 281,

Local NGOs, state Agency for Social Inclusion

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Not available

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
This practice was developed and applied first in the city of Most, which is severely disadvantaged industrial town in Northern Bohemian industrial agglomeration. The city is also known for the Roma ghetto Chanov, which is separated from the rest of the town and underwent in the years after 1990 a process of serious decay. The city realizes one of the so called Integrated Urban Development Plans (financed by ERDF), which focues partly on the Chanov settlement and led reconstruction of some os the housing blocks, the creation of a community centre and the upgrading of public spaces. The construction works are realized in the form of public tenders, which need to be realized in accordance with the provisions of the Czech law on public tenders. The invention by the city was the formulation of a requirement that at least ten percent of the work force has to be long-term unemployed, preferably living in the Chanov settlement. This rule allowed the local Roma to benefit from the construction works also in regard to employment. Supposedly, some of the workers were given more permanant employment by the companies after the conclusion of works related to the project.

Results of the project
The rule would need to be applied systematically in many projects to bring significant change. As the rule was so far applied only in this project, where it led to the temporary employment of a number of workers, the long-term impact was limited even though some of the workers apparently gained employment beyond the project. Without this rule, it would be awkward to realiye a project that should benefit Roma in an area inhabited by unemployed Roma that does not offer any employment to the Roma. Another important outcome is that the city demonstrated that it is possible to formulate such a condition without violating the very rigid laws on public tenders.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
A few individulas were selected by private companies. The selection criteria was status of long-term unemploymend and, at least in later tenders, also the local residence of the workers.

Sources of funding
The project was funded by the ERDF and accompanying soft measures were funded by ESF and the promotion is done by Agency for Social Inclusion.
