Supporting Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptian Communities Programme

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
United Nations Development Programme (Country Office Albania)
"Skenderbej" Street, Gurten Building, 2nd Floor, Tirana, Albania
Tel.: +355 (4) 2250 205, 2250 224, 2250 234
Fax: +355 (4) 2250 286, 2250 289

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Roma and Egyptian (here following "R&E") are both marginalised and socially excluded communities. Both communities in Albania live at the margin of poverty due to a long-standing and two-fold social exclusion. The majority of the population views them as second-class citizens due to their low levels of education and their poverty, and due to prejudice against non-white people.
The project purpose is the further improvement of social inclusion of most vulnerable communities consisting of Roma and Egyptians in Albania, with focus in the regions of Berat, Korca and Vlora.

Results of the project
Increased participatory local planning materialized in nine community development projects. Those projects will be identified and prioritized by local R&E Communities and implemented at local level. The equal representation of women and men in this process will be a basic condition. Capacity of civil society organisations to combat discrimination increased, and their capacity to successfully participate in national and international financial support schemes improved. Increased income generation by newly-established as well as reinforced pre-existing businesses run by Roma / Egyptians. Increased capacity of Roma Technical Secretariat to monitor implementation of the Roma Strategy and the Roma Decade Action Plan strengthened. The results from communication campaign will include: 5.1 the profile of R&E communities improved, and 5.2 increased awareness of R&E community members about policies, strategies and instruments for their social inclusion.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma and Egyptian minorities.

Sources of funding
United Nations Development Programme (Country Office Albania)
