Roma Women Can Do it

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Regional project of Stability Pact Gender Task Force in Slovenia
Project leader: Nada Žagar, ZIK Črnomelj
Tel .: 07 30 61 391

Project information – start and end date (if available)

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Regional project Roma women can do it based on a single methodology of four phases -regionalnih preparations, local seminars, national evaluation meetings and regional evaluation.

The basic objectives of the project were:
- to encourage Roma women to connect and courageously enter into public and political life of their local communities and their ethnic groups;
- to establish cooperation between Roma and non-Roma activists and politicians, who are fighting for women's human rights, and to help Roma women to get involved in the national movement for gender equality in their countries and the region;
- to establish direct and permanent dialogue between Roma women and local and national authorities;
- to alter the negative image of the Roma and Roma women in the general public os majority nations;
- to help local and national political leaders to discover Roma women as a group that can contribute significantly to preserving and developing the identity of the Roma and their harmony and equal cooperation with the majority population.

Results of the project
- 4 implemented seminars (in Novo Mesto, Črnomelj, Murska Sobota and Rogašovci Prekmurje)

- performed meeting of the Roma women and representatives of civil society, experts, politicians and authorities at local and national level

- published book, 28 pages:
Roma women can do it, authors Sonja Lokar; Nada Žagar; Jana S Javornik; Vera Klopčič; Alenka Pavlovec; et al;
Publisher: Stability Pact Gender Task Force, Slovenia, 2003

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Romani women and, indirectly, Roma activists and politicians, and local and national authorities

Sources of funding
Stability Pact Gender Task Force in Slovenia

THE PROJECT ROMA WOMEN CAN DO IT - the report of RTV Slovenia