Romani kafenava - Roma restaurant

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Scientific and Research Association for Art, Cultural and Educational Programs and Technology EPEKA, social enterprise

Štefan Simončič, President /

Romani kafenava tel: 0038640 933-990
Roma society Pralipe tel: 003862 250 27 48

Project information – start and end date (if available)
24. 8. 2012–24. 8. 2015

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Roma restaurant – Romani kafenava is a project through which the coordinator EPEKA and Roma society Romano Pralipe Maribor wish to set an example as the first Roma restaurant in Maribor, Slovenia and EU. Roma restaurant – Romani kafenava has adopted the social business model with the aim to employ people from vulnerable groups – the Roma minority. Its employees are mostly Roma and Roma women, who are undergoing training or are employed as assistant cook or assistant bartender. EU orientation in the current economic crisis, which affects all our lives, is towards increased creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurship. All these are the qualities that Roma restaurant already possesses. More importantly, it includes socially vulnerable individuals and encourages the social business model.
Roma restaurant project’s aims are numerous, amongst others to revive the forgotten Roma culture, to preserve Roma culture (art, dishes, language), to motivate and employ Roma minority members and to introduce them to the social business model, to train the Roma to work in a restaurant in an informal manner, gaining experience in the area of educating ethnic minorities for teachers and trainers, etc.

Results of the project
Roma restaurant project’s aims are amongst others;
- to revive the forgotten Roma culture, to preserve Roma culture (art, dishes, language),
- to motivate and employ Roma minority members and introduce them to the social business model,
- to train the Roma to work in a restaurant in an informal manner,
- to gain experience in the area of educating ethnic minorities for teachers and trainers,
- to increase self-confidence of Roma minority members,
- to promote a healthy lifestyle of the Roma and the general population,
- to spread knowledge amongst the Roma and encourage the methods of teaching amongst Roma minority members.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The beneficiaries of the project are the Roma minority members living in and around the city of Maribor and if the project succeeds, the members of other municipalities in which Roma restaurants may open.

The Roma minority in Maribor has direct benefits from the project as the restaurant continues its operations and Roma people are further the staff of the restaurant. Currently it employs 7 people.

Sources of funding
Ministry of labor, family, social affairs and equal opportunities (SI)

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