Romani kafenava - Roma restaurant

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Country/partner countries
Maribor, Slovenia, EU

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Scientific and Research Association for Art, Cultural and Educational programmes and Technology EPEKA, Social Enterprise

Stefan Simoncic, president /

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Start of the project: 24th August 2012
End of the project: 24th August 2015

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Romani kafenava is the first Roma restaurant in the EU, which operates on the principle of social entrepreneurship. In it, employees are mostly Roma, who are undergoing training or are employed as assistant cook or assistant waiters.
The objectives of the project are:
1. The revival of the forgotten and the preservation of Roma culture (art, cooking, Roma style decoration, language, ...).
2. Motivation and integration of Roma into employment enivorment and to learn about social entrepreneurship.
3. Non.formal education of Roma how to work in a restaurant.
4. Inclusion of the Roma into society and the working environment in order to promote intercultural dialogue.
5. Gaining experience in the field of education for ethnic minority teachers and trainers.
6. Increasing the confidence of Roma.
7. To promote a healthy lifestyle among the Roma and the rest of the population.
8. Reduction of prejudices and stereotypes about the Roma with the majority population.
9. It would increase the social responsibility of residents and encourage the development of the region and enrich touristic offer
10. Increasing gender equality in the ethnic minority in Slovenia.
11. Dissemination of knowledge among the Roma and encouraging learning methods learning among members of Roma communities.

Results of the project
Project Roma restaurant is a sustainable project after the completion of the financing retain and continue to operate.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma minority is the biggest befeficiary, as they are continuing to work in the restaurant and are keeping the project alive.
Now they are 7 person employed in the restaurant.

Sources of funding
European Social Fund and Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Republic of Slovenia


Document - materials that incurred in the project
Romani kafenava
Romani logo.pdf