Roma. Unknown Neighbours

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Polskie Radio Regionalna Rozgłośnia w Warszawie
,,Radio dla Ciebie” S.A.
ul. Myśliwiecka 3/5/7
00-459 Warszawa, Poland

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
phone: 22 645-93-63

Project information – start and end date (if available)
01.03.2011 – 29.02.2012

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The objectives of the project:
- Increasing the knowledge about the life and problems of the Roma among 2,000 listeners.
- The presentation of the Roma situation in Poland, with a special emphasis on this region.
- Improving the public awareness of the Roma, to show job opportunities.
- Presenting the Roma as full members of the society.
- Presenting the ways to help and activate the Roma.
- Changing the perception of Roma women, including paying attention to the possibility of studying and working.
- Fighting stereotypes about the Roma minority.
- Improving mutual relations between the Polish and the Roma.
- Improving the image of the Roma in the eyes of employers.
- Facilitating the presentation of Roma culture.
- Commitment to cooperation of the project leaders of the Roma community, Roma organizations and Polish social organizations.

Results of the project
The activities carried out within the project:
- A series of radio reports on Polskie Radio Regionalna Rozgłośnia w Warszawie ("Roma - unknown Neighbours "(1 per week), and education and information programme "Lexicon of Roma"(3 times a week)).
- An organized outdoor event integrating the Roma inhabitants of this region.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The campaign was aimed at the general public, people from the Roma community and other people from the region of Mazovia. The
number of unspecified beneficiaries is about 2,000 people.

Sources of funding
Funded by the European Union - European Social Fund.
Human Capital Operational Programme. Projects for the Roma community

Condensed Case Studies carried out in the framework I, II, III and IV Competition: