Roma revival

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Fundacja Integracji Społecznej Prom
53-638 Wrocław 57
phone: 71-359-29-21
e-mail: biuro @

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Board of Directors
President: - Janusz Balkowski

Project information – start and end date (if available)
01.02.2012 – 31.07.2013

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The objectives of the project was to improve the image of the Roma among the 10% of the urban population covered by the project, by the end of July 2013.
The project included actions aimed at the direct support of the Roma in training, internships or socio-legal advice to better cope with the Polish labour market. The project was accompanied by a wide informational and promotional campaign, which showed that the Roma are part of the local communities living next to us, they work or want to work, and enroll the children to Polish schools.

Results of the project
The activities carried out in the project:
- social advertising on the radio,
- the creation of the website,
- exhibition billboards,
- sponsored articles in the local press,
- exhibition of photographs.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Social campaign - aimed at the residents of 6 cities
Lower Silesia - Wałbrzych, Kłodzko, Legnica, Świebodzice, Glogau and Wroclaw.
The direct beneficiaries of the project were the Roma from the cities to be promoted.

Sources of funding
The government's Human Capital Operational Programme.
Projects for the Roma community

Internet portal project "Some of the many":

Document - materials that incurred in the project