Roma People, Living Words I Roms, Paroles Vivantes

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Atelier du possible

Dominique Duby
+33 4 42 50 27 99
8 avenue d'Aix
13840 Rognes

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Spring 2014-July 2015

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Roma people: they are 2,000 in the French département Bouches-du-Rhône. They are 20,000 in France. They are marginalized, expelled, tolerated, expelled, alienated.
3,213 evictions in 2010. 11,803 in 2012. 21,537 in 2013…

This steady increase trend reveals the current predominant ideology.

They are here but not integrated: evicted, they cross the highway and settle down 1 mile further...and then, they have to build again precarious shelters. But it does not matter! It demonstrates they do not have 'the right to a gomeland'-which is however a very beautiful expression. Leaving a town, they settle down in another and after six months, they will be evicted again and the same masquerade will start again. We are all responsible for this Pontius Pilate policy.
Used as scapegoats, they live without any running water, electricity or schooling for children. They survive in our country in shantytowns.

With the partnership of the General Council of Bouches-du-Rhône, we decided to speak for them, to testimony in order to restore a bit of their dignity and to help change their image to 'gadgés'. Curiosity, knowledge and tolerance. We are only scared of what we do not know.

The Financial support of the General Council in 2014 allowed us to implement the first meetings and activities. The project still goes on in 2015 with the creation of a show with Professional artists and people from the Roma communities. This project is already supported by the CE des Cheminots PACA, et will be presented to the opening of the Festival Off of Avignon 2015.

« Roms, paroles vivantes » est une rencontre avec les Roms de deux bidonvilles des Bouches-du- Rhône (Luynes et Marignane) pour recueillir leur parole et la retransmettre. Dans un premier temps (juillet 2014) au cœur de leur communauté ; dans un deuxième temps (juillet 2015) en direction des « gadgés » (personnes non Roms) sous la forme d’un spectacle présenté au festival d’Avignon.

L’objectif de ce projet est de donner une meilleure lisibilité et une image plus positive de cette communauté afin de changer notre représentation clichée de cette population, et de contribuer ainsi à restaurer un peu de leur dignité grâce à une parole créatrice.

Nous mettrons en lumière la vie dans ce qu’elle a de beau et de terrible.

Results of the project
Make people more openminded on the ROMA communities.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma communities

Sources of funding
CE des Cheminots PACA-the railwaymen employee representative committee in the French Region PACA ,the General Council of Bouches-du-Rhône, ADDAP13 éduquer dans la rue-local association.

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Document - materials that incurred in the project
Dossier de presse