Roma Mediator –an effective model for health services access improvement in Roma community

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
National Centre for Community Services
Adress: “Isa Boletini”
Po.Box 2390
Tirana/Albania phone:+355 4 2273247

Project information – start and end date (if available)
20.02.2001. - 20.09.2001.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The main objective of this project was education of the Roma population for the prevention of various morbidity and care that the community should show for a better health and an upbringing of their children.
Increased social inclusion of the Roma in issues related to health and nutrition. Increase the level of knowledge and promotion of protected sexual behavior in youth groups, in order to prevent STIs, HIV / AIDS in the Roma community and increase their access to VCT services (Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centers). Establishment and strengthening of Roma mediators group in the field of public health. Capacity building of youth, peer groups, staff members of Roma NGOs, teachers, parents and other members of these communities in matters related to health and nutrition

Results of the project
Manual for Roma health mediators. Two kinds of brochures, or one for men and one for women, titled "Where the voice is missing” with information about health care, personal hygiene, family and community, the legal framework and the right to benefit from health care schemes, practical tips for emergencies, etc. Leaflets against HIV / AIDS "What can you do about it in the fight against HIV / AIDS". Leaflets about violence against women. Leaflets by health calendar days (for hand washing, personal and collective hygiene, etc). Facilitate better access of Roma to health services. Establish a team of mediators of health and strengthen their role in the community, change their attitudes and behavior towards phenomena - 8 persons, members of the Roma community in Korca.
Raising awareness and bringing to the attention of local government issues related to the health of Roma. Promoting the implementation of the right to a quality health service. More involvement of Roma representatives in discussions on various social issues that concern the community

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
All beneficiaries: 141
Roma beneficiaries: 141
Romani women beneficiaries: 65

Sources of funding
Open Socity Foundation for Albania