Roma identity in pictures

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation
Budapest 1137, Katona József utca 2/E
+ 36 20 976 5252
László Flóra

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Start date: 02.09.2013.
End date: 01.06.2014.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
With the help of the project, a new Uccu module will be established. This module has a visual part, with a photo exhibition installed in schools and an additional school module, being held always after the exhibition.
With the new module our goal is to strengthen Uccu’s general activity and the capacity building of the Roma volunteer team.
Used methods and project activity:
- Framing the material of the photo exhibition – researching already existing photos and projects.
- Implementation of the exhibition.
- Implementation of the Uccu educational school module, with the active participation of the Roma volunteer team.
- Leading 6 pilot school occasions with the project.
- Reconstruction of the educational module after the experiences in the 6 pilot schools.
Haver Foundation as cooperating partner will be helping in the implementation of the new educational module.

Results of the project
To strengthen Uccu Foundation’s basic activity, augmenting tolerance and reducing prejudices against the Roma society among students between the age of 14-19.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Students between the age of 14-19.
