REYN Slovenia (S/REYN)

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Educational Research Institute Slovenia, Developmental Research Center for Pedagogical Initiatives Step by Step

Samanta Baranja

Project information – start and end date (if available)
During the project The Increase in Social and Cultural Capital in Areas with a Roma Population (2010 – 2013) we established a network of educators, who work with Romani
children and because we wanted to continue the work of the network after the project ended, we
established the S/REYN in April 2013.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
S/REYN is a network whose members strive for quality education for Romani children. It connects practitioners and activists of both, Romani and other nationalities, who work in the field of early childhood development and at their work encounter with Romani families. The purpose of the network is to create an inclusive, professional and a learning community in which members deepen
their diverse knowledge and skills, share experiences, promote best practices, establish effective partnerships and care for professional development. The aim of the network is to design and develop activities that follow ISSA principles of quality of teaching and the values that are associated with the ensuring equal opportunities for development and education of all children.

Results of the project
S/REYN network is committed to:
- Promote good practice between educators and activists who work with Romani families in the field of early childhood development;
- Organize and implement training courses for professional development intended not only for educators but also for volunteers, policy makers, representatives of local authorities and Romani communities;
- Promote knowledge and understanding of the Romani community, their culture and
language through study visits and exchanges.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Everyone, who works with Romani children and their parents in the field of early childhood education, is welcome to join our network (teachers, counselling, medical and other professional workers). Even more welcome to join are the members of Romani communities that act as professional workers,
policy activists on local and national level and other activists according to the principal of "nothing about Roma without Roma".

Sources of funding
Open Society Foundations London

Document - materials that incurred in the project