Promoting the Integration of the Roma Project

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
National Council on Ethnic and Demographic Issues with the Council of Ministers
Ahavni Topakbachian, chief expert,
tel: 940 21 32;

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Duration: 17 months (2001-2002)

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The objectives of the project is to implement and promote a positive practice for overcoming biases and integration of the Roma people into the Bulgarian society in the field of education, to give Roma students an opportunity and improve their access to quality education in primary and secondary schools, and universities as well as more knowledge and skills to work in public administration and police structures.

Results of the project
The participants acquired new working techniques and methods to improve their everyday work at school and support the Roma students to learn Bulgarian and get access to better education;
Acquired team working skills;
The role and the functions of the teacher assistants and the family involvement in the school work were highly evaluated/ appreciated;
There is a need for reviewing and presenting the curriculum content in the context of the anti-bias education.
Some main tendencies of the modern pedagogy and their place in solving ethno-cultural problems were outlined;
The role of the teacher assistant as a liaison between the kindergarten and the school became obvious;
Representatives from the Roma community were attracted and involved in school activities;
Individual packages of basic educational materials and handouts for each training module were provided;
Partnerships were created;
Information about different donor organizations was obtained and disseminated among participants;
understanding the important role of the board of school trustees as an advocate of the school community.
The participants learned some basic problem solving skills;
The participants had the opportunity to know each other better and to share specific problem issues.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Target groups – teachers and teacher assistants from the selected schools, representatives of the School Board of Trustees, Roma secondary school graduates, Roma experts working in the central and regional administrations, Roma working in the police structures.

Sources of funding
Phare Program of the EU
