Project learning for young adults – PLYA | Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle - PUM

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Razvojno izobraževalni center Novo mesto / Development and Education Centre Novo mesto

Maja Regina
t: 00386 (0) 7 393 45 69

Project information – start and end date (if available)
The duration depends on the needs the participant demonstrates or on the achievement of the set objectives. The decision to participate in the programme is adopted on a voluntary basis. The programme is free of charge and the participants formally enter it for the period of three months to a year.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Project learning for young adults – PLYA is a publicly approved programme of informal education . The underlying purpose of the programme is to help early school drop-outs without occupational qualifications to overcome social exclusion in which they find themselves and encourage them to re-enter and complete the educational process, thus, acquiring occupational qualifications or the targeted level of education. The programme further caters the needs of the young by equipping them with skills and competences indispensable for job seeking and entry into the labour market.
The main objectives of the programme are personal growth, general education and formation of occupational, social and cultural identity.
The programme aims at activating the young by delivering as many possibilities, pathways, methods and people as possible to help them overcome social exclusion and enhance social integration. While searching for the best solutions for each individual, the PLYA programme promotes intersectoral action of various institutions and stimulates the young to get in touch with like-minded and to self-help. The programme is designed to help the young to enter into the social life in a creative and active manner, become able to efficiently carry out the “job hunting” task, identify their employment opportunities and present their know-how, skills and personal traits competitively and with the needed self-confidence. The educational process is carried out in interaction with the local environment. The PLYA programme does not deliver school subjects and classical school lessons, the mentors are there to help the young with the learning that takes place in the scope of the projects. The participants are active at all stages – from selecting to carrying out and, last but not least, giving final evaluations of the project. Thanks to its openness and direct learning in/for/with the environment, the programme possesses outstanding social-integration value that in fact constitutes the basic need of the young taking part in the programme.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The programme is intended for the unemployed aged from 15 to 26 years who do not have any occupational qualifications or competences and face social vacuum due to a lack of support and help from their surroundings.

Sources of funding
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Employment Service of Slovenia

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