Platform for Roma Inclusion in Medjimurje - Phase II

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Croatia, Medjimurje County

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Lead partner:
Jasmina Papa (

Government Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities (GOHRRNM); City of Čakovec; Medjimurje County; Croatian Employment Service local office of Čakovec; Centre for Social Welfare of Čakovec; Roma Minority Council Medjimurje County; Roma Minority Council City of Čakovec

Project information – start and end date (if available)
1 September 2014 - 30 August 2015

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Based on the results and momentum created in Medjimurje County during first phase of the Project - as well as given the interest from stakeholders to continue support, this new Project phase will continue to address the processes of longstanding exclusion of Roma from participation in local development planning and governance; use of funding opportunities for needs identified by the community and employment in Medjimurje County, Croatia.

The project will especially focus on creation of partnerships and provision of technical assistance to local partners from Medjimurje to generate project fiches for medium to large size national/EU call for proposals linked to economic and social inclusion of Roma.

It will seek to mobilize project partners and other relevant actors to prepare project pipeline for EU funding under IPA grant scheme, the European Social Fund and other structural funds that will be made available to Croatia in the second half of 2014.

Results of the project
Sustained partnerships and improved capacity of local institutions to respond timely and adequately to diverse needs of Roma in terms of policy making, service delivery and monitoring;
Project fiches generated for medium to large size national/EU call for proposals linked to economic and social inclusion of Roma;
Improved capacity of Roma civil sector to develop grassroots initiatives to medium sized projects with funding allocated from national sources or EU funds;
Enabled access of Roma communities to sustainable and good quality public services and empowered them to initiate social activities in their communities;
Improved Roma self-employment and employment opportunities.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
This projects’ generation process will not only permit the development and financing of EU projects with clear impact for improvement of socio-economic living conditions of Roma community in Medjimurje County; but will also permit to reduce social distance between Roma and non-Roma communities by involving Roma NGOs as partners in projects and during projects’ development process.

Sources of funding
Open Society Foundation
