Platform for Roma Inclusion in Medjimurje - Phase I

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Lead partner:
Jasmina Papa (

Office for health, social issues and national minorities of Medjimurje County, City of Čakovec, Croatian Employment Service – Branch office Medjimurje, Centre for Social Welfare- Medjimurje, Roma Minority Council Kuršanec

Project information – start and end date (if available)
1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Despite the national level development of a web of policies aiming to overcome numerous obstacles and to provide guidance for local/regional level interventions, an integrated approach for Roma inclusion with adequate diversified funding is still lacking.

With the highest share of Roma in total population (from 4 to 10% of total population), Medjimurje county is in Croatia the prime example that trickle down policy effects from national to local level take little effect when strong support, consultative and funding mechanisms are not in place.

Given that exclusion of Roma is multifaceted, the project will work with all the stakeholders at the Medjimurje county level using integrated approach to assess, plan, design and implement actions locally. Through a comprehensive and all-inclusive strategy, It will address the processes of longstanding exclusion of Roma from education, employment, community participation and governance in Medjimurje county.

Results of the project
The evidence about social and economic position of Roma disseminated to inform policy interventions, assess progress and support Croatian Presidency of Decade of Roma Inclusion 2015-2015.
The capacity of local/county institutions improved to respond timely and adequately to diverse needs of Roma and other disadvantaged groups through inclusive planning enabling access to EU funding.
Capacity will be built in terms of project design, policy preparation, platform of stakeholders building, Roma inclusion and capacity development, and model employment and education programs for ready-made programs to be submitted for EU funding as IPA and Structural Funds become available.
Improved educational outcomes of Roma pupils so that their integration into Croatian schools is better facilitated. Improved capacities of teachers for inclusive teaching and options for additional extra-curricular classes for Roma.
Improved self-employment and employment opportunities for Roma through creative training schemes, and mediation with employers willing to take in Roma employees in the private/public sector.
Community centres in Kuršanec fully functioning and offering a range of social activities – trainings for kids, health-related programs for parents, concerts and arts exhibitions, etc.
Multicultural sensitivity increased through joint exhibitions and arts events.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma, local/county institutions, Community centres

Sources of funding
Open Society Foundation
