
The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Belgium, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation
Chaussée de la Hulpe, 61
Brussels 1180, BE
Internet site:

Contact: Ms Marianne Poncelet

Project information – start and end date (if available)
January 2014 – December 2016

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Music4ROM aims at achieving the following:
• Creation of a repository of Roma music, songs and musicians
• Organisation of a music “Master Class” earmarked at 16 young Roma and non-Roma musicians trained by renowned musicians and singers
• Creation of a methodological guide for teachers
• Organisation of educational workshops in 4 European countries (Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain) to develop a methodological guide for teachers
• Creation of a kit to make musical instruments from recycled items
• Creation of mediation tools for cultural mediators, addressed to Roma mothers
• Development of an in-service training programme and a guide for participants
• A 40-hour in-service training course for teachers, mediators, social and cultural workers
• Organisation of a press conference in Brussels
• Organisation of 7 public events at the local and European level as well as webinars
• Production and distribution of 7 videos
• Creation of multilingual promotional material
• Creation of an e-platform and a single at the end of the project: ” Roma Got Talent“

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
• Renowned musicians and artists: Roberto de Brasov, Jorge Chaminé, Ludovit Kovac, Paco Suárez and Carlo Dumont and 8 young Roma and 8 non-Roma musicians with the participation of the professors David Benko and Aurica Mustatea
• Approximately 300 Romachildren and adolescents in 4 European countries
• About 30 Roma mothers
• At least 30 teachers, mediators and cultural operators
• Participation of nearly 50 representatives of local authorities and associations working for the Roma

Sources of funding
European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme
