MOUS (Maitrise d’œuvre Urbaine et sociale)/ Urban and Social project management

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Country/partner countries
Toulouse, France

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Luc Monnin

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Starting in September 2014
Expected completion 2017

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The city of Toulouse is confronted in recent years with Roma households arrivals from Romania and Bulgaria. Many arrived there after working in Spain or Greece. They are installed in squats and small family slums (25-35 depending on the time counting).
The purpose of MOUS is to qualify all these situations in a diagnosis (4 months) and then build and facilitate overall resorption procedures of these situations. This in terms of housing, health, school integration, access to health care or integration into the labor market. If the work to decent housing and slum clearance is the visible objective of the order. The work is by activating various actors and trades transversely to provide a medium-term integration of action for those wishing to stay. An appendix is ​​also provided for the minority who want a return.
Given the urgency and the scale (500 households surveyed) work to engage in a tense urban setting, 3 multiyear axes were laid:
1. Improve public health and safety
2. Build insertion paths
3. Help those who want to return home
The first 2 points are available in the duration and beyond the mission will relay to the common law of experienced and initiated actions. Given the overall situation of families, in addition to the first accompaniments hosting sites, gateways action is taken and others are being established.
- The first aims at organizing access to health care for all
- The second parallel is to enrollment and academic support for all children,
- The third involves the security and sanitation in slums
- The fourth is to help the access to employment
This daily work must rely on hosting means nonexistent today. In agreement with the city of Toulouse an emergency procedure that would quickly make such centers in almost all parts of the city was adopted.

Results of the project
The project is still in progress and the first concrete steps have focused on the urgency of the organization in parallel during the structuring of the medium term. Already relying on field associations ( CCPS )
- The access to care work and schooling affects all sites
- The most dangerous place ( flood ) was relocated and displaced households in apartments is subject to an accompaniment
- An orientation cell is lively and a shelter organizes support for households identified in decent accommodation and towards the insertion
- An emergency procedure for issuing planning approvals works

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The 500 Romanian and Bulgarian Roma households identified in the diagnosis

Sources of funding
State of France, Town of Toulouse


Document - materials that incurred in the project