Improving the situation of Roma in the Slovak Republic

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Government Office, Section of Human Rights and Minorities

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The main objective of the project is to foster tolerance and mutual cooperation between Roma and non-Roma inhabitants of municipalities in Slovakia continuous interaction with communities through community workers. The project develops the results of pilot SR9813.04 Phare program Improving the situation of Roma in Spiš. The project aims to create a special module training program for community workers as well as on their training. Part of the activities in Roma settlements will also provide assistance for the Roma. An important objective of the project is the active help Roma to establish their own community centers, which will create space for mutual activities of Roma and non-Roma and will contribute to creating better conditions for integration.

Results of the project
Improve conditions for Roma integration while maintaining your own identity
Improving the conditions for cooperation between Roma and non-Roma
Creating opportunities for Roma to enter the labor market
Strengthening the comprehensive school system for Roma

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma are the second most numerous ethnic minority in Slovakia. According to the census in 2001, 89,920 inhabitants of Slovakia stated their nationality as Roma. The estimated number of Roma in Slovakia is much higher: 350000 - 400000. One of the most pressing problems of the Roma is their social exclusion; therefore, the Slovak government is taking steps towards their integration into society. Another problem stems from high unemployment, which in some Roma settlements is nearly 100%. This results in a high dependency of Roma on welfare. The cause of this situation is also a low level of education.

Sources of funding


Document - materials that incurred in the project