Field Social Work National Project in Municipalities

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Country/partner countries
The project is implemented in 291 municipalities in Slovak republic.

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Implementation Agency of Slovak Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (IA MPSVR SR), Mgr. Pavol Makyš,

Project information – start and end date (if available)
The project was implemented in 01/2012-12/2015.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The main goal of Field Social Work National Project is to increase the quality of field social work provided in marginalized Roma communities. Within the project, field social workers provide people with interventions in various areas of everyday life (employment, housing, health, social security, finances, etc.).The purpose of field social work is the prevention of social exclusion, building bridges from exclusion to existed social resources, supporting social competencies of people and reaching a small positive change in the life of people in Roma communities.

Results of the project
During the project, overall 895 field social workers in 291 municipalities provide 1,199,357 interventions in various areas of everyday life (employment, housing, health, social security, finances, etc.). Help has been granted to 83,565 clients, mainly from marginalized Roma communities.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Marginalized communities, mainly the Roma, or those at risk of social exclusion, are the project’s main target groups. Field social workers and their assistants are the secondary target group.

Sources of funding
The project is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Implementation Agency of Slovak Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family