Excels in class, pulls tricks on the grass!

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
BAGazs Public Association
1107 Budapest, Bihari utca 3/a
Bálint Petra

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Start date: 01.08.2014.
End date: 31.01.2016.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The children living in the Roma settlement of Bag are going through a series of failures at school, partly due to their underdeveloped skills and the lack of a supporting community. The majority of these children cannot study further and have no chance to get out of the settlement’s enclosure. High school and university students have a special role in this work, who will organise activities for the children on a weekly basis. The involvement of the local inhabitants and the regular contact with the local institutions and the families contribute to the emphasise put on the needs and role of the people involved and ensures that the activities of the project are beneficial on their lives. Besides developing the disadvantaged children and their families, as well as organising the community, one of the goals of the initiative is to increase the sensitivity of the majority society to the situation of Bag and other settlements and to communicate the results of the activities of the community in Bag. This goal will be reached by the communication of the project and the participating volunteers. On the basis of the experiences, a methodological collection and a short films will be made, which could be a useful starting point for other specialists and civil organisations.

Results of the project
The goal of the project is to provide support for 80 children living in the settlement, through skills and emotional development and by the community of the football team.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The children and their families living in the Roma settlement of Bag.

Sources of funding
Amount: 19.892,00 Euro
