Empowering Vulnerable Communities

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
United Nations Development Programme (Country Office Albania)
"Skenderbej" Street, Gurten Building, 2nd Floor, Tirana, Albania
Tel.: +355 (4) 2250 205, 2250 224, 2250 234
Fax: +355 (4) 2250 286, 2250 289
Email: registry.al@undp.org

Project information – start and end date (if available)
26 months

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Social exclusion of Roma/Egyptian communties. Contribute to the social integration of the vulnerable Roma and Egyptian Communities in Albania, while valuing their diversity.

Results of the project
The project supported the creation of Community-Counselling Groups (CCGs) to lead the iprocesses of identifying and implementing infrastructure projects in their communities in cooperation with loca governments. Beside, CCG members were encouraged and supported to organize volunteer-involving and self-help activities. Another cross-cutting component was the capacity building not only for community members but also for public authorities, responsible to offer social and public services. Finally, in providing its multidimensional support, Project had a multilevel cooperation involving central and local governments, as well as international organizations and local (Roma and non-Roma) NGOs. All activities implemented under each of the six components, had a strong reliance on the concept of voluntarism as a means leading to human as well as social and economic development. Under this framework, the majority of the project staff was engaged as United Nations Volunteers, which had a positive impact in promoting volunteer-engagement of the local communities, in helping each other with civil registration, is organizing self-help activities, in identifying and prioritizing local needs. A network of volunteer health, education and child protection Roma/Egyptian community mediators has been established to facilitate information sharing and ensure equitable access to services, liaising between services providers and the community.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Roma minorities

Sources of funding
United Nations Development Programme
