Dvig socialnega in kulturnega kapitala v okoljih, kjer živijo predstavniki romske skupnosti/The Increase of Social and Cultural Capital in Areas With Roma Population

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Project Coordinator: Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Miran Komac, Ph. D.
Phone: +386 (1) 200 18 72
Fax : +386 (1) 251 09 64

Project information – start and end date (if available)
June 2010 - August 2013

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
The primary aim of the project is to create conditions that would allow the members of the Roma community to escape the vicious circle of social exclusion. This circle could only be broken by adequate investments in social and cultural capital in the environments, populated by the members of the respective community. The project highlights education as the most efficient way out. Its objectives are to increase the level of education of the Roma community members and to raise awareness about the significance of education as the fundamental factor in the progress of the community.

The following activities were carried out within the project:
• a survey and evaluation of the far completed projects and work in the field of Roma education
• a spatial and demographic analysis of the environments, populated by the members of Roma community
• promotion and implementation of different educational activities for pre-school children and their families
• the establishment of Roma Education Incubators in the areas inhabited with Roma population
• elementary and secondary level school assistance, and other activities aimed at improving the integration of Roma children into the educational process
• the preparation, organization and implementation of the sustainable teacher training, and the training of social and other expert workers for working with Roma children and adolescents
• the development and implementation of extracurricular programmes and leisure time activities for children, youth and parents in the environments populated by the members of the Roma community
• transnational networking and exchange of best practices in the field of Roma education

Results of the project
- International conference and expert meeting “Formal and Informal Education for Roma: Different Models and Experience” (20. – 22. October 2011);

- Scientific monographs and publications:

Bešter, Romana, Vera Klopčič and Mojca Medvešek, ur. (2012) Formal and Informal Education for Roma: Different Models and Experience. Ljubljana: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja;

Žagar, Ksenija et al. (2013) Tematski atlas romske poselitve v Sloveniji [Thematic Atlas of Roma Settlements in Slovenia]. Ljubljana: Geodetski inštitut Slovenije.

Pirc, Janez (2013) Od skritosti do točke na zemljevidu: Socialno-prostorski razvoj izbranih romskih naselij v Sloveniji [From Concealment to a Point on the Map: The Development of Selected Roma Settlements in Slovenia]. Ljubljana: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja.

Klopčič Vera in Katalin Munda Hirnök (2013) Izzivi, dileme, rešitve: Izobraževanje Romov v praksi nekaterih držav [Challenges, Dilemmas, Solutions: Education of Roma in Practice of Selected Countries]. Ljubljana: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja.

Final research report The Increase in Social and Cultural Capital in Areas with a Roma Population,

Promotional project movie A Step Closer (Korak bližje),

Please visit the website: http://www.khetanes.si/enus/products/publications

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
The members of the Roma community will benefit from this project.

The project in numbers:

34 kindergartens included,
41 primary schools included,
12 secondary schools included,
3 boarding schools included;
2454 Roma children included in different project activities,
136 educators offering school assistance for Roma children and youth,
25 different trainings for teachers, social workers and other experts for working with Roma children and youth with an emphasis on practical work experience,
707 parents directly included in the project activities

Sources of funding
The European Union through the European Social Fund and Ministry of Education and Sport


Document - materials that incurred in the project
Formal and Informal Education for Roma Different Models and Experience
The Increase of Social and Cultural Capital in Areas With a Roma Population - The short presentation of the project
The Increase of Social and Cultural Capital in Areas With a Roma Population - about the project