Community developement in the old village of Szajla (Ószajla)

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Country/partner countries

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website
Tarnagyöngye Association
3334 Szajla, Kossuth Lajos út 37
06 30 586 9517
Németh Friderika

Project information – start and end date (if available)
Start date: 01.03.2015.
End date: 30.04.2016.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Our aim is to empower this community and start to changes. We organise community programmes, meeting points; we involved them and the members of our association into the process of planning and implementation. We intend to provide basic services making the quality of life better. Our goal is that most of the Roma community become members, volunteers of the association, and the village recognizes, supports us.

Results of the project
Main expected results are: opened community programmes giving experiences for everybody; civil roundtables for developing the community, thinking, acting together; club for children and youngsters for developing self-activity skills.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
We intend to work with poor, Roma people living in Ószajla (it is a segregated part of a village, Szajla; 80% of the population are Roma). The direct target group is Roma people between 18-45 years, the indirect target group means all inhabitants of Szajla. We cooperate with local decision-makers, professionals and (not local) civil organisations.

Sources of funding
Amount: 14.957,00 Euro
