Administrative and orientation Comittee

The content reflects the views only of the author, and the e-RR project partner consortium cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Country/partner countries
Toulouse, France

Project lead partner/organization and contact person (e-mail, links) project website


Project information – start and end date (if available)
The action took place from July 1st to October 3 , 2015. It may be pursued depending on funding.

Summary (goals and purposes of the project)
Organization of a dance performance and representation in Bohemia festival , held October 3 in Muret, near Toulouse.

Through this show , we wanted to :

- Meet the needs of children in the camp and a resident in particular who brought the seeds of this idea.

- Provide a means of expression for these children highlighting them and allowing them to show another image of themselves and fight against prejudice as well .

- Promote exchanges between the French people and the inhabitants of the settlement around a festive and friendly event.

- Support a project from the people , unite the band for this joint project .

- Find a platform to express the difficulties these families go through in their daily lives .

- Allow families to leave the camp and enjoy a cultural event open to all, while being involved in this event

Results of the project
The show was presented on October 3 with an audience of a hundred people .
46 people from the camp were accompanied at the place of the festival.

Families are also very well suited to the project. Parents have helped to create costumes , adolescents participated in the preparation of the audio part and children were present at each workshop. Finally , a resident of the camp was heavily involved in the creation of choreography and would be interested to continue the project.

The project has also created a moment of exchange between residents and 4 outside speakers who helped us in the preparation of the project.

Who will benefit from this project (target group)
Fifty people from Ginestous camp participated and / or assisted in the development of the project. 46 people ( children and adults) attended to the festival.

Sources of funding
400 euros from Festival Bohemia (costs costumes and transportation).
- Free loan of a dance hall by the MJC Toulouse.
- Free loan of minibus by the CCPS association.
- Participation of the Caracol association that has a bus available at reduced fees.


Document - materials that incurred in the project